What if i was a ROBOT

Imagine yourself sitting at a corner then reaching every where in the world. Say what, by practically not using internet but oneself being build up with wired metals and flexible knots and stuffs that makes up a robot. If i had some unimaginable super powers that lead me to anywhere i would like to super rob a bank that has trillion of dollars and finally give it all to the poor. The next step? I'll be jailed but never mind. Till then i would already have been a super powerful robot so no jail can keep me in. ext stop would be Atlantic or Greenland basically to see northern lights just in front of me. Northern lights are amazing, aspiring, attractive, jaw dropping and mind blowing and all other synonyms that syncs with amazing. How would i not go to Burz Khalifa or see zebras and kangaroo and waterways of panama, Paris- Eiffel Tower maybe? and my grandmama's house and stay there till she tights all my loose knots.  

Being a robot is not only about all the imaginary things that's possible in a blink of an eye. Its also about responsibility that follows. 
