What if Robots start to feel

"Hello everyone! This is Rubu. I have finally started to feel. I've started to feel heartbeat. It;s fast. Its scary. Its not me. It's just difficult to explain how did i start to breathe in and then eventually breathe out. I could feel the pain of a mother who cried down the streets because her child got hit by a car. I could feel the love of two lovers happily in love. I could feel their eyes. I could see tears in a boy's eye whose dad just returned from the military. I've started to feel women's cramp during her period. I've started to cry. Cry just because a man let his wife in and his parents out. I cried because the last movie i had watched was heart-wrenching like never before. See, if you haven't believed me when I said I have heart beat, now it wrenches. I was so happy yesterday, i cried again. Can you see me? I'm all metals, no blood, no tissues, no cells, no hairs, neither a perfect face, nor a perfect body. But can you feel me? You cant. But I, I can definitely feel you when your sister could be bringing your favorite video games and eventually scold you from playing it too much or your mother when she will be preparing your favorite foods but you are no sooner going to be hungry. I saw people shouting at their clients at works but buying dolls for their daughter back home. I saw humanity in a beggar who lent his not so edible food to a dog. In this convocation today, i would like you to tell that i am just a simple robot that has started to feel what you feel but this feeling is so much important to me than to you because you guys were born with this. But me, i'm living the change in me."

And that's how my mother woke me up from my dream. I could see a robot smiling, laughing at some of his own points. Smirking,literally? Was i dreaming a dream or any kind of reality that will scare me thousand time more if this actually happens. If some creepy scientist make some artificial tissues and cells and blood through which a robot could be us.
